Monday, August 1, 2011

Monthly Evaluation by Sis. Ardis Sola

We do a monthly evaluation of our programs with a number of volunteers every last Saturday of each month. During this time, each one is asked how he or she feels about his or her service, what the problem areas are, and what can be done with them. Feelings range from one of inadequacy to one of joy for the privilege of serving.  

I listen attentively and keep a mental note of everything that can be used to improve the mission.  Yesterday, being the last Saturday of July, we gathered again and evaluated ourselves.  As usual, a lot of time was spent pointing out concerns from the kitchen to the choice of songs, to the character module, to the hygiene, and what-have-you. After the first round of sharing, it was time to hear our voices that uttered praise and thanksgiving to our Lord for being the Lord of the mission.

I went home and immediately wrote down all that transpired during the evaluation. And as I was doing this, I was reminded of the verse in Acts 11:21, “The hand of the Lord was with them and a great number who believed turned to the Lord.” I remained quiet because I knew that the Lord was telling me something important. He said that our hands might be too short and limited to reach out to everyone, but His hand is with us; therefore, great things happen. Yes, the kitchen might be in a mess, but still we fed everyone because His hand blessed our work. Yes, the character lessons were hardly understood, but the children’s lives would be changed by these lessons because He would bless them. In simple and clear words, the Lord is the Finisher of our faith which is expressed in our service.  

At the end of my conversation with the Lord, He assured me that He is pleased with everything that we are doing at He Cares. In fact, He loves to dwell in it because it is a place where His love is the moving force behind everyone’s actions.

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