Sunday, April 17, 2011

LENT: Love Equals Necessary Time

By Leeanne Sy
It was a sunny Saturday morning. I got off early at the Lung Center and walked all the way to Quezon City Memorial Circle for my weekend exercise. For a few moments, I got scared of all sorts of people I met, but I had God’s words to accompany me: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me: Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) “Why am I doing this again instead of just getting off in front of City Hall?” I asked myself. “Oh, yeah! Exercise!” was my obvious answer.
I anticipated not much physical exercise for the day since my friends and I went directly to the Circle, instead of spending some time at the He Cares Center to bathe the street kids as what we usually do. “It’s going to be an extraordinary Saturday,” I thought as I brewed up a successful birthday celebration of a sister in the community (Mercy) and another memorable Saturday morning in my overimaginative mind.
          “Wow, I had no idea that the walk was quite far, especially if one hadn’t eaten her breakfast yet and lacked sleep from her insomnia attack (I had to defrag my laptop the night before) and overexcitement.” I took the underpass and crossed from the City Hall to the Circle. By the time I reached my destination, I experienced hunger pangs. I then saw my friend waiting for me in one of the benches. Much as I wanted to jog around the park, I simply had no energy.
Ate Myee and I started surveying the stalls for what could be our breakfast. Everything looked delectable to my eyes. I ordered squid, tofu, and rice, and downed the meal with coconut juice. “You’re not hungry, huh?” my friend told me. She couldn’t believe that a lean woman like me could eat like a horse. I finished my food all right, but I didn’t like my squid or tofu. So much for trying to be semi-vegetarian (no meat for me for more than 40 days) for the Lenten Season! Well, at least my stomach was not complaining anymore.
          We reached the badminton court at past 8AM. “How come there are still other people playing in the court?” my friend and I wondered. They were supposed to be here to set up already. When she called up Daryl, we learned that the program wouldn’t start until 9AM, so we waited for our other friend (Rhona), who also brought along her housemate (Gurlay). I took some shots of the place, but my mind was bored, aching for something more productive to do.
          When I went inside Tropical Hut to use the comfort room, I accidentally saw Auntie Lyn (my friend from the Awesome Kids Ministry and a relatively new member of the Light of Jesus Family) and her CG (Care Group) member. It would be their first time to serve at He Cares. Auntie Lyn related her encounter with an American who spent several years at the park. He didn’t ask for alms but for a job, but Auntie Lyn showered him with her deed of mercy for the day when she gave him breakfast. She contemplated on sending him to Anawim (home for the abandoned elderly), but he declined because he has a lot of friends at the park.
          Ate Myee and the rest of the gang fetched us from the fastfood restaurant, and we marched all the way to the new venue, the park. By the time we reached the area, which happened to be at the opposite side, I was dog tired. My tiredness was eased when I saw Jasmine (a scholar of the He Cares Foundation) happy to see me, and she even gave me a kiss. She asked me to play badminton with her. I found myself answering, “Okay!” The other kids also greeted me with their warm smiles. “I told you I’m going to have a great day!” I told myself.
I didn’t know where I got all the energy to play with the kids, but I managed to play badminton, volleyball, and dodge ball with them. I had the time of my life when I exuded Christ’s love by spending quality time with the kids, despite my physical and mental tiredness. I realized for the umpteenth time what love is all about. Love is not meant for the lazy, fearful, and nonchalant but for those who can allot necessary time to the people who matter in their lives.

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