Monday, June 6, 2011

Faithful Servant by Sis. Ardis Sola

The corporate world does not have any room for weaklings. In fact, if you want to climb the ladder of corporate success, you should always show your strengths.  One must be careful not to show any sign of weakness, so it is not surprising anymore that a lot of our corporate men and women suffer from stress and hypertension.  

I remember that night in 1994 when I talked with my parents about my decision to leave my secular job at a government agency. I assured them that my new job as a missionary is the happiest job on earth. My Boss loves me and is crazy about me, including all my weaknesses. In fact, my Boss says, “It is when you are weak that I am strong.” This means that He uses my weaknesses to make things great. Besides, I do not have to kill myself trying to climb the ladder of success. Why? Because my Boss does not care about success. What is important to Him is my faithfulness. He says, “Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant.” 

I will be on my 15th year of working for this great BOSS.  And each day of these 15 years has been a day of learning and listening to His voice.

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