Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Gesture of Assurance by Sis. Ardis Sola

Every time our family goes out for an outing, the first thing I pack is the medicine bag. I make a mental list of each body part and the possible sicknesses that can occur. I carry a paracetamol for headache, an eye drop for itchy eyes, an ear drop for painful ears, a nasal spray for rhinitis, a lip balm for windburn, tablets for upset stomach, diarrhea, allergies, nausea, tooth ache, back pain, etc.  How about some  ointment for burns and wounds? And different plastic strips and gauzes. Don’t forget the nebulizer and the nebules. I stop only when I am satisfied that I have covered every possibility. But my greatest assurance comes from prayer. After packing everything, I go to my room and pray with confidence to our Lord who sits at the right side of the Father interceding for all those who believe in Him. 

I guess it’s basic human need to be assured and reassured.  Even couples who have been married for 30 plus years would still appreciate a word or a gesture of assurance from each other.  Every relationship will surely blossom if the parties involved feel secured by the love of the other. We, who are believers of Christ, have every reason to celebrate. Why?  Because our Lord promises us several times in the Scripture that He will be with us until the end of age.  And as if His words are not enough, He even gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us.  Enjoy this wonderful truth that we have a Lover, Friend, and Brother who will stick with us through thick and thin.

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